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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Workin Hard!

Ben as director on the backhoe with his Grandpa Jim

Like Father Like Son :)

Planting trees with his dad

Cleaning off after all that hard work!

Brent has been doing a lot of work on our dirt "yard" lately. We have big plans for a fence, deck, raised plant beds and some grass! Ben has loved being outside helping him by shoveling or just moving rocks in his little dump truck. He got to ride on the backhoe with his grandpa a few weekends ago while Jim was moving dirt piles in our yard and smoothing things out. I think Ben rode for a little too long because he was teary when he got off and said his arms hurt, maybe from the vibration. Since then he's been content to just watch from the ground whenever there is backhoe work going on.
After he was done helping plant trees and dig in the dirt he had a bath outside in the silver tub because we thought he'd like it and also because I had literally just scrubbed our huge bathtub and didn't want to clean it again!!!

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