Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Ben and I at the zoo with Debbie, Brittany and Landon

Grandma Debbie with her 2 grandsons :)

The boys doing a little dirt work

Playing with Brent's old Tonka truck

Auntie Brittany and Ben

38 Weeks

38 Weeks with baby boy #2

38 weeks with baby boy #1

Here I am at 38 weeks...still preggo. But what did I expect after being 8 days late with Ben? Wishful thinking I suppose. I'm sure the best I can hope for with this one is that I might actually have him around my due date. So at least 2 more weeks of hanging in there! Today has been a pretty uncomfortable day. But the last few haven't actually been that bad. I go for another checkup with Chinmayo on Tuesday. The good thing is that the countdown for my mom to arrive has started (well it actually started when she left in April!). She gets here June 5th for 3 whole weeks!!! Yay!
Brent and I got to have a date night last night which was pretty fun. We went out to a steak house for dinner and then to an Aces hockey game. Funniest thing was that our Govenor Sarah Palin, her husband and 2 of her kids were sitting right in front of us (we had VIP seats curtesy of Brent's work). Pretty neat!

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Words!

Ben has started saying some words! Yesterday he said help "elp" and please "theaz". I was so cute and I was really excited. For quite sometime now when we ask him to say bib before he eats he says "mam", not sure where he got that but he says it everytime so we figure it counts for now! He is also getting really good at pointing out body parts on himself and us. He has also started to be able to point out specific food while he's eating. Such a smart boy :)
Meanwhile, on the baby front I am approaching 38 weeks and feeling more like 45 weeks - LOL! I'm hanging in there though and I know that whenever little bubba does decide to come it won't be long from now... I am truely looking forward to getting my body back and being able to do stuff again as I am just so uncomfortable right now. I go for another checkup on Tuesday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

36 Weeks

Whoa belly! 36 Weeks

Just when I thought I couldn't get any bigger I do! Brent thinks I'll have the baby early because in his words he "can't imagine me getting any bigger"!
I had a checkup with Chinmayo yesterday and she drew my blood again. My hemodilution has gone down further which is good. Baby's heartrate is slowing down (145 bpm) which is normal as birth gets closer. He was head down and I hope he stays that way. Earlier today I'm pretty sure he flipped himself head up but I think he is back to head down as I'm getting kicked in the ribs again! Chinmayo sent me home with all her birth supplies because I am her next mother set to give birth - Yay! It's becoming more real and before I know it he'll be here!!! She also instructed me on what to do if he comes so fast that she doesn't make it to the birth... after Ben's labor of 28 hrs and 5 hrs pushing I can't imagine this one would come that fast but I guess we'll see!

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Truck Incident...

Happy as a clam in his new truck...

Trying to stand up...

Smack! Caught this picture right as he went head first into the cabinet...bad mom! It happened so fast as I was taking the picture (which was NOT suppose to be of this!) I didn't have much time to react! He didn't even cry though :)

Hanging with Papa :)

Here Papa I can do it...

What's going on under there?

Just like Papa...drink in hand, feet crossed :)

Snack time

Ben loves spending time with his Papa and gets especially excited when he comes home from work. He watches out the window for him then runs to the gate when he comes in the house. It has been pretty nice outside lately so Brent takes him out a lot. Ben likes to wonder through the garage and check out all the neat stuff in there. He also likes to follow Brent around when he working outside. Little buddies :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pictures from Granma Cathie's visit!

Brent brought home ballons from work one day and Ben was so excited!

Just give me my shoes and an open road...

Enough with the pictures Granma can you just read to me?

Takes after his Momma with his love of reading!

Ben and his Granma at playgroup

Driving the boat


Beep beep

In the life size bubble at the Imaginarium

Ben and his friend Mallory checking out the bubbles

He loved the "floating ball"

Baby chicks!

Are we going outside??? I love outside!!!

Peek a boo!

So warm and clean after my tubby!

I can do it!

The family in the snow :)