Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Boys and their Girlfriends :)

Mallory (2 yrs), Juliette (7 wks), Ben (2 yrs) and Noah (7 months)

Best buddies!

Juliette was laying on a blanket so the older kiddos wanted to do it too.

Mallory and Juliette are the daughters of our good friends Cassandra and Jeff. They just had their 2nd daughter on December 4th. It works out really because now each of our boys has a suitable girlfriend :) But the kids do have a great time together!

Monday, January 25, 2010

1st Tooth!

Noah's 1st tooth!

Love this face!

Expert crawler!

The boys playing in the Thomas tent

Noah is now an expert crawler! He goes everywhere and gets into everything! I really have to be diligent about what is left out or what things fall on the floor. I have had to put away some of the smaller toys or piece of toys Ben has just to make sure Noah doesn't accidentally get a hold of them. Having a crawler is a whole different story when it's the second versus the first! Noah loves to explore and has suddenly turned into a very content baby as long as he isn't hungry or tired...he loves just cruising around. He also likes to follow his brother and much to Ben's dismay Noah loves to eat his books.
Ben has started talking a ton. I am amazed at the things he has recently picked up and decided to say. I have told Brent he needs to lay off the cursing because if Ben comes up with any of those words it will be his fault not mine! Ben is still saying mostly just one word at a time but I'm sure that will be changing quickly.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

7 Months Old!

Noah is 7 month old today! Just so we knew that he is big stuff he decided to crawl forward today too! He has been working on crawling for about a month and was able to get around pretty well going backwards or pulling himself sideways... Ben's toys are no longer safe! He also decided to say "Da" today as well! Maybe this is why he hasn't been sleeping well at night...he has a lot going on in that little head! We are also waiting on the arrival of his first tooth. His bottom left gum is very swollen so I assume it will be rearing it's pearly white head very soon. Noah is tipping the scales at 20 lbs :)
Ben is becoming quite the character and is really improving on his speech. His newest thing is to always ask where we are even if we are in the room with him! "Da? Mom? Wah (Noah)?" and sometimes when we are at the table he yells's pretty funny. He is super into reading ALL of his books upstairs right now and hates to come down for breakfast in the morning. If we have nowhere to go that day sometimes I let him sit upstairs until 10am or so! Apparently he's got enough fat stores that he doesn't need to eat breakfast right away! He currently weighs 32 lbs and is about 35 inches tall.
On another note I have added a TON of new videos!!! I looked them the other day and realized the last on on here was from when Noah was 5 weeks I got my act together and downloaded some! Hope you enjoy them! One of my favorites is "Are you hiding?".

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random photos from my family's visit

Decorating the Christmas cookies my neighbor Kerry sent!

Noah and his Auntie

Sledding! We went out for Ben but me and my sister ending having the most fun!!!

Yummy cardboard roll

Our family shot out on the deck :)

My sweet boy

Ben watching Polar Express with his Granpa

Granma and her boys :)

Noah's favorite toy... a free blow up ball that came with a pack of diapers!

Granpa playing with his grandsons :)

The Best Christmas EVER!

Ben opening up his first present on Christmas Eve

Playing with Mr. Potato Head before church

Me and my sis making Christmas Eve dinner

My sweet boys looking all handsome :)

Santa came!

Noah is content with his new Sophie giraffe and stuffed elephant

After the present chaos

Chillin on the couch

Family pic - it's the only way Ben would cooperate!

Me and my Noahs

My dad and sis :)

Christmas Eve dinner - what a spread!

The "Granma Face" :)

A little, chubby present under the tree!

Ben opening his stocking on Christmas Morning

Opening stockings with my sister!

Matching pj bottoms!

This Christmas was sooooo wonderful! My parents and sister came out and we had such a fun time!!! We ate tons of goodies, went sledding, ice skating, played board games, watched Christmas movies and shopped. I was so happy to have my family here after not being together for 4 years at Christmas. The most fun was watching Ben open his gifts and be so excited for them!