Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One Month Old

"For this child, I have prayed"

Ben and his chubbiness...

Getting kind of mad...

Yup, definitely pissed!

Ben is one month old today! I can't believe it! It feels like he has been here for so long, yet so little time. I have enjoyed every moment of being a mother. He makes it easy because he is a pretty good baby. I love just looking at his sweet face and even hearing his little cry (which is getting louder by the day!). He is even starting to smile a little and coo.

Chillin' with Popps

Ben has been learning about plumbing and electrical from his papa!

4 Generations

4 Generations!!!
Great Grandpa Don, Grandpa Jim, Daddy Brent and Baby Ben

Our Thanksgiving

Ben and Grandpa Jim

Ben and Great Grandma Loma

Family friends Chris and Karmen

We had Thanksgiving #2 at our house on Sunday. I made green bean casserole and sweet potato casserole. I also made an apple pie. Everything was super tasty! Ben was great and loved especially being held by Chris who we deemed the "baby charmer"! I know who to call when he's fussy!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving at Brent's grandparents house. There were too many people to count. In babies under one year alone there were five! If Brittany was here with Landon that would make six! Don't drink the water in Eagle River unless you want to be pregnant! Haha...
The food was really good as it always is at Thanksgiving. Ben slept through most of it, but that's okay as I'm sure next year I won't get to sit becuase he'll be up and running!!!

The new Little family :)

So Sweet!

Ben in his swing...

Our little guy's sweet, chubby face! Don't you just want to smooch him??? :)

1st time on my playmat!

This is Ben's new Baby Einstein playmat. He really liked it...for about 5 minutes! But I'm sure he will grow to enjoy it more as he starts to be able to actually play with all the toys on it. He really liked it when I put batteries in the hanging lights up and plays classical music - which he loves!

I'd like everyone to think my genius son grabbed that toy (so early!), but I actually put it in his hand... :)

I love my momma...

This was picture was taken before Ben's first trip to Pizza Man. He was mostly good, he just wanted to be held the whole time (I have fully mastered eating with only one free hand!) and then was pretty hungry by the time we left.

A "just because he looked so cute" picture!

My Funny Faces...

Ben makes the funniest faces sometimes. Brent and I spend a lot of time just watching him and what he really makes us laugh!

So serious...

Check out my cheeks!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm a Big Boy!

Ben weighed 9 lbs 13 oz at our pediatrician visit yesterday!!! What a big boy! He has gained almost a pound from last week when he weighed 8 lbs 14 oz...
At least I know he is getting enough to eat! Geez!!! :)

Tummy Tub

Our midwife, Chinmayo, let us borrow this new tub she ordered. It is called a Tummy Tub and is suppose to be really good for colicky babies and for soothing in general. The bucket shape mimics how they feel in the womb. Ben loved it and was very calm the whole time... It was fun watching him "swim" around!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My Blue Suit

Waving "Hi"

Sacked Out!

My Auntie Brittany gave me this outfit....Momma thought I should wear it quick because it looked so tiny but the shirt is actually big! I guess I'll get to wear it again! :)

Me and my cuteness...

The feet I used to kick my mommy in the ribs...

Such a sweet face!

My snowsuit that Momma told Granma she had to buy...2 years ago! It will finally get used!

Snuggled up...

I couldn't resist! He is just so cute when he cries - except at 2am...

I Love My Daddy

Ben loves to lay with his dad.... They are too cute :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Baby Ben's First Outing

Yesterday was Ben's first trip out of the house and come to think of it, it was also my first trip out since he was born! My mother-in-law and I took Ben to the pediatrician. She checked him from head to toe and said everything looks perfect! He has also gained a lot of weight, now weighing 8 lbs 14 oz!!! At least I know he is getting enough to eat! He had a blow out at the doctor's office - I guess we couldn't get away with complete perfection from my little man....
We also went to Brent's work to visit and show him around. Then to Costco. Ben was great the whole time - sleeping away and boy was I pooped by the end of the day!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

One Week Old

Today Ben is one week old! I can't believe that he has been here that long already...time just flys by...We are slowly getting the hang of this new life. Last night we tried a pacifier which I'd like to rename the "Miracle Plug". Ben has this time period usually between 1am and 5am where all he wants to do is eat and won't sleep. I know he isn't hungry because he'll only nurse for a few minutes and then be done only to want to nurse again shortly after. So we tried the pacifier and it was great...last night was the most sleep I got since he has been home! Yay!

I personally think he gets cuter everyday - but I'm a little biased :)

Bye, Bye Granma :(

Ben's granma and my mom, Cathie, left on Friday night. She had been here for 3 weeks. She was a HUGE help doing everything from waiting on me hand and foot before and after Ben's birth to cleaning my bathroom and just being someone to hang out with. We had a wonderful time together! I was really sad to see her go but we'll be out to visit Colorado in January and we are very much looking forward to that trip!!!
Thanks, Mom, for everything you did for us!!!! :)

Tubby Time

So fresh and clean! Ben took his first shower with his about a slippery baby! Granma Cathie helped out - she did the washing and I did the holding. He seems to really like the warm water. I'm excited for his cord to fall off because then we can try a real bath :)