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Friday, May 22, 2009

New Words!

Ben has started saying some words! Yesterday he said help "elp" and please "theaz". I was so cute and I was really excited. For quite sometime now when we ask him to say bib before he eats he says "mam", not sure where he got that but he says it everytime so we figure it counts for now! He is also getting really good at pointing out body parts on himself and us. He has also started to be able to point out specific food while he's eating. Such a smart boy :)
Meanwhile, on the baby front I am approaching 38 weeks and feeling more like 45 weeks - LOL! I'm hanging in there though and I know that whenever little bubba does decide to come it won't be long from now... I am truely looking forward to getting my body back and being able to do stuff again as I am just so uncomfortable right now. I go for another checkup on Tuesday.

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