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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 12, 2009

Noah Douglas

Noah Douglas (named after his maternal grandfather, Doug) was born in the home his Papa built on June 10th at 8:50am. He weighed 8 lbs 4 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Labor was much shorter this time (about 7 hrs true labor) and I only pushed for about 30 minutes! So much better than 5 hrs!

Mama and Noah

Brent and his boys

Ben is so sweet with his little brother - always kissing him and wanting to touch his hands and face. He even helped me burp him yesterday :)

A little scratched up already from his long fingernails!


Kasia said...

Congraulations Cari - you have two adorable boys!!!

Brittany said...

He is so beautiful, congrats again to you , brent and ben. I love you guys.