Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The boys and their matching shoes :)

Well this was my attempt at a photoshoot... pretty difficult to get everyone in the right place and staying there let alone smiling (which never happened!) These outfits are from my sister Rose and the shoes were from my mom. My SIL Brittany was able to come by and help me out though so that was great!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Bumbo seat is back!

Nearing the end of his 1st Bumbo seat experience...a little melting going on...

Noah can now join in on lunchtime minus all the food :)

This Bumbo seat thing sure is fun Mom!!!

Well I tried out the Bumbo seat with Noah today. He loved it just like I thought he would because he loves being in an upright position where he can look around. Still needs a little work on holding his head up so the session wasn't too long but we all had a good time!
Also the reason he only has half his outfit on is that when I stuck him in the seat he immediately spit up all over the front of his I pulled it down to get the wet off his arm and belly! Plus then he can show off his muscles! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009


Landon, Noah and Ben

Don't mind Noah's apparent freaked outness... he is fully aware that he is being held by 2 very crazy, squirmy boys! :)
Ben and Landon have been having a lot of fun together since Landon has been visiting. They are actually playing together somewhat and spend about half the time trying to take each others toys. It's so much fun seeing them interact after all the other visits of them barely taking note of the other.

Hiking Back Valley

Me and my boys :)

Future rock climber...

Little Explorer

I can do it all by myself!

Sunday night we went for our first hike as a family...ever! Last summer Brent was so busy building our house that there was literally NO time for hiking. Since I had Noah at the beginning of June it took awhile for me to feel up to hiking especially since it would be with Noah in the front pack. So this hike was really fun. Ben walked most of the way out by himself then Brent carried him in the back pack on the way back. He loved finding little trails and following those. I'm hoping we are able to do a few more hikes before winter...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Please don't sell my children!!!

My mom told me about a news story she heard recently about people who had taken pictures off of a lady's blog of her children and were using them to advertise her children. I don't know all the details. I'm just realizing that I don't want some random wacko looking at my blog and knowing all about us.
SO if you read this and want to be able to continue too please email me and I'll add you to the list. If you don't have my email leave a comment on one of the posts with your email and I'll add you that way! Bummed I have to lock it down but there are just too many weirdos out there...
Also, if you look at my blog because you found it through your friends sisters boyfriends mothers site - great! Just leave a comment with your email address and how you know us and I will add you :)